Rose & Antler

A Los Angeles based Wiccan Coven in the British Tradition

Requirements and Expectations for Neophyte

What is Neophyte?

A Neophyte is a former Dedicant who has been called to clergy, a life of service in the Craft, and is pursuing Initiation. Neophyte is an intense period of Craft training and the associated personal work required to prepare the student to join the Blue Star clergy.

Please note that completion of the “Saturn Return” transition is seen as significant.  It is our experience that although persons who have not gone through this transition can make fine Initiates, initiation prior to the Saturn Return will profoundly affect the event. In addition, the level of maturity sought in the Inner Court is most often found in those who have completed this transition.  Although persons who have not yet completed the Saturn Return will be considered for Neophyte and Initiation, their personal understanding and growth will be examined critically and closely prior to being considered for an elevation.

The Neophyte Restriction:

This applies only after a student has gone through the Neophyte Rite of Passage. It is put here for full disclosure.

Because Neophyte is a time when one has committed oneself to be a clergy of the Blue Star Tradition, the Neophyte is not allowed to visit any other traditions’ rituals without permission.  This includes Mass, Meeting, or Service of one’s birth religion.  Exceptions may be made for Rites of Passage (baptism, holidays and weddings with religious components, funerals, etc.), and should be discussed as needed.

As a Neophyte, the student is on a path to becoming an Blue Star Initiate and undivided attention is to be given to the Blue Star Tradition during this phase of training.  After Initiation, the Initiate can attend whatever observance is wished.

requirements for Neophyte

To become an Neophyte is to have asked for Initiation. As such, the first step to enter Neophyte training is to demonstrate a desire as a Dedicant to become an Initiate, answering “Why do you want to be Initiated?” by writing a letter, making a statement, or expression of your choosing.  The gravity of this request warrants a more formal proclamation than the Dedication request.  Much consideration should be given to whether or not you can commit to the rigors of pursuing Initiation and all that will be required of you.

As a Dedicant, the requirements for taking Neophyte are:

1) Attend and observe the rituals of at least three other Traditions and share your thoughts and comparisons.

2) Read about and explore a form of divination.

3) Select and work within a specific pantheon for three lunar cycles.

4) Be open to finding a Patron and Patroness.  Research, journal, dream, look within.

5) Demonstrate a working knowledge of altar set-up and ritual form.

6) Demonstrate a working knowledge of the Quarters.

7) Write a New Moon ritual from set up to feast.

8)  Learn the lyrics and tunes to all Circle and Sabbat songs in order to participate fully in ritual.

9) Perform any major part of a ritual casting (i.e. circle casting, calling the directions, etc.) under the direction of the Priest/ess of the Circle.

10) Seek out and complete the following Advanced Grove classes and associated homework:

  • What it Means to be an Initiate

  • The Two Year Cycle

  • Hinges, Tides and Lenses

  • Gods in a Wiccan Perspective

  • Patrons

  • Roles of the Four Officiants: Part 2

  • Energy and the Magic Circle

  • Energy and the New Moon

  • Intro to the Paths of Power

  • Intro to and Protection from Psychic Attack

  • Shrines

  • Tattoos & the Initiates’ Web

  • No Invocation until Initiation

11) Read or listen to the following books:

Suggested reading or listening

Grove Level

Advanced Grove Level

Neophyte Specific

Expectations of the Neophyte

Neophyte is a period of training for Initiation.  The student has vowed to the Gods and to the coven to shape their life to become the finest Blue Star Initiate possible.  As such, it can be an enriching time, albeit challenging, for there is a good deal of looking within and making crucial personal choices and changes in this transformative work to attain Initiation.

The ongoing responsibilities of a Neophyte are:

  • Arrive on time for rituals and classes, ready and willing to participate with a positive attitude.

  • Attend at least one Esbat month.

  • Attend at least six of the eight Sabbats.

  • Set up the altar for ritual under the supervision of the Handmaiden and provide further service to the Handmaiden and/or Summoner if necessary.

  • Help with introductions of guests at ritual.

  • Contribute towards feast food.

  • Act as a mentor to guests or a Grove student.

  • Continue to accept and follow the directions of the Priest/ess, or their appointees.  It’s important to learn to accept guidance from and respect Initiates.

  • Act in a responsible manner as a representative of the coven at public rituals and gatherings.

  • Communicate with the Priest/ess in the event of absence from circle.

  • Pursue classes and complete assignments in a timely manner.

A student will be a Neophyte for at least a year and a day.  It is not uncommon for a student to spend more than a year and a day as a Neophyte, since the required work and necessary life changes to assure the student is ready to take on the mantle of clergy often has its own timeline.

Regardless, a student is not meant to remain a Neophyte, as some remain Dedicants indefinitely.  The point of Neophyte is to elevate to Initiate.