Rose & Antler

A Los Angeles based Wiccan Coven in the British Tradition

Requirements and Expectations for Dedication

Requirements to become a Student

In order to be considered for becoming a student of Rose & Antler, we ask that you first complete the following requirements.

After your Seeker Survey has been received, you may be contacted further for an Interest Interview, which can be done virtually or at local coffee shop near the covenstead. After that, you may be invited to attend the following rituals:

  • One New Moon Esbat

  • One Full Moon Esbat

  • One Sabbat

In the meantime, please read or listen to:

Though written from a Gardenarian perspective, it diverges only minimally from our own since Rose & Antler identifies as a “Brit Trad” and an “Initiatory Mystery Tradition”. A comprehensive and accessible overview, this book is an excellent resource for Seekers curious about a Traditional Wiccan practice, in general.

The above should well inform both the Seeker and the coven if training with Rose & Antler is appropriate.

What is Dedication?

The first Rite of Passage attained in Rose & Antler is to undergo the Dedication ritual.  This is simply a formal declaration that makes you a member of the Grove and asks that our Gods participate in your spiritual journey.  It is a commitment to the God and the Goddess.  To be Dedicated is to affirm one’s devotion to the Gods – in a Pagan circle, in the presence of a Blue Star (B*) coven, and to allow B* clergy to teach you.

Requirements for Dedication

As a student, the requirements for taking Dedication are:

1) Demonstrate an understanding of Blue Star ritual.

2) Perform any one part of a ritual casting (i.e. censing, asperging, etc.) under the direction of the Priest/ess of the Circle.

3) Attend and complete the following Wicca 101 classes and associated homework:

  • Wicca 101 Orientation

  • Intro to Blue Star (B*) and Rose & Antler (R&A)

  • Blue Star History

  • Circle Etiquette

  • B* Altar: Part 1

  • B* Ritual: Part 1

  • Role of the Four Officiants: Part 1

  • Elemental Associations: Part 1 – The Quarters

  • Basic Energy Work

  • Visualization

  • Craft Names

  • Intro to the Wheel of the Year & Sabbat Series

  • Liturgy – Charge of the Goddess & The Wiccan Rede

4) Subtle Body Basic Training

5) Read or listen to the following book:

6) Find the “God in every man and the Goddess in every woman”, and journal about it for at least one lunar cycle.

7) Demonstrate interest and answer the question, “Why do you want to be a dedicated Pagan?” by writing a letter, making a statement, or expression of your choosing.

Suggested Reading or Listening

Expectations of the Dedicant

Once a member of our Grove, we expect you to continue learning and growing as you actively participate.  Blue Star recognizes that not everyone wants to, or is right to, become an Initiate and actively encourages a strong laity. This doesn’t mean that learning stops once someone becomes a Dedicant, or that only members who choose to continue onto clergy can take classes. Any Dedicant is welcome to attend the classes required to prepare for Neophyte, even if the student has no intention of pursuing Initiation.

The best way to learn the Craft is to watch and listen.  While you may still be undertaking a formal course of study towards further elevations, that is only part of your training.  Spending time with Initiates and coven mates, asking questions, and listening to stories and conversations is the best way to learn Wicca.  You will begin to see Nature and the cycles of the year in new and different ways.  The Gods begin to reveal themselves to you. 

Each Dedicant is responsible for finding a mentor from the ranks of the coven, Neophyte or Initiate.  You’ll keep track of the advanced classes you’ve taken and what remains to be taken.  All Dedicants are asked to keep a journal of written assignments, observations, learned Craft lore, divinations, and invocational missives.

Wiccan training is above all else experiential.  To be considered for further elevations, you will be expected to participate, of course!  It is strongly suggested that you attend local and/or national Pagan festivals, which will be discussed during your training.  B* also holds “family” events throughout the year and attending these is strongly recommended (either in-person or virtually).  Interacting with the B* community and the greater Pagan community is an important part of our identity.

After Dedication, you are a Grove member with additional responsibilities.  You may be asked to take a more active role in rituals, feast preparation and coven events.  This may require you arriving early and staying late.  There may be times when you feel unmotivated or uninspired… Join the club!  This is normal, and talking to your coven mentor, Neophytes and Initiates will usually help.  These ranks have taken vows to be present when students need them, so do not feel shy about asking for reasonable attention from members of the group.  We are here to teach you!

The ongoing responsibilities of a Grove Dedicant are:

  • Arrive on time for rituals and classes, ready and willing to participate with a positive attitude.

  • Attend at least one Esbat a month.

  • Attend at least four of the eight Sabbats.

  • Assist in setting up the altar for ritual and cleaning up after feast under the supervision of the Handmaiden.

  • Contribute towards feast food.

  • Accept and follow the directions of the Priest/ess, or their appointees.  It’s important to learn to accept guidance from and respect Initiates. 

  • Form a mentor relationship with a Neophyte or Initiate.

  • Communicate with the Handmaiden for any ritual or class questions or concerns.

  • Should further elevation be of interest, pursue classes and complete assignments in a timely manner.

After a year and a day as a Dedicant, a student can ask the Priest/ess for elevation to Initiate, thereby entering the Neophyte stage of training for clergy.  The basics of the Craft are learned as a Dedicant, but the real nitty-gritty of becoming a servant of the Gods begins at Neophyte.  Not everyone is suited, or called, to become clergy.  Remaining a Dedicant is an option.