Rose & Antler

A Los Angeles based Wiccan Coven in the British Tradition

Requirements and Expectations for Initiation

What is 1st Degree Initiation?

There are three degrees of Inner Court elevations in Blue Star: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Degree Initiates. An Initiate is someone who has made formal vows to the Blue Star Tradition, is considered clergy, a Priest/ess (or other appropriate preferred title) and Witch. Each elevation reflects and acknowledges continuing study and responsibility to the Craft and the B* Tradition.

In the Outer Court we worship the Gods.  In the Inner Court, we serve them. As an Initiate, you are a servant of the Gods.  Service means different things to different people, and to different Gods!  As an Initiate you will work closely with the Gods who have claimed you (or whom you have claimed), engage them in your Astral Temple, and pursue those things that are revealed to you as “service”.

Requirements for 1st Degree Initiation

As a Neophyte, the requirements for taking Initiation are:

1) Set up and begin working with a personal Astral Temple.

2) Develop a strong connection with a Patron and Patroness and continue research.

3) Read Edith Hamilton’s Mythology and another mythology or folklore text of your choice.

4) Write a B* Sabbat ritual, inspired by a branch of the Mabinogian, set up to feast.

5) Understand and respond to a call of need, if necessary.

6) _>@__

7) Attend a national pagan gathering or B* family event, either in-person or virtually.

8) Teach a selection of Grove classes, demonstrating knowledge and potential as a Clergy.

9) Serve as the Officiant of the West/East of a Circle.

10) Demonstrate an understanding and use of Tools.

11) Attend and complete the following classes and associated homework:

  • Egregores

  • What is Invocation?

  • Craft and Coven Law

  • Responsibilities

  • Hierarchy, Regalia and Entitlements.

  • B* Altar: Part 2

  • B* Ritual: Part 2

  • Power Raising

  • Gods in the Circle

  • Deity Pairs

  • Energy Polarity and the Fluidity of a R&A Circle

  • Tenets of Faith

    • Balance

    • Harmony

    • Humility

    • Tolerance

    • Learning

    • Trust

    • Reincarnation

    • Assignment: “What do the Tenets Mean to Me?”

  • Paths of Power

    • Myth & Story-Telling

    • Divination

    • Astral Projection

    • Love

    • Music & Dance

    • Husbandry & Hunting

    • Herbology

    • Ritual

  • The Witches’ Pyramid

12) Demonstrate knowledge and skill in two Paths of Power, of your choice.

13) Complete a Sabbat Series project.

14) Build and maintain Earthquake & Wildfire Preparedness.

15) Demonstrate a readiness to take the Rite, answering “Why are you now prepared to be Initiated?” by writing a letter, making a statement, or expression of your choosing.


Expectations of the 1st Degree Initiate

Once a 1st Degree Initiate, there is no further expectation a student will continue to pursue higher elevations.  Although there is ongoing conversation within the B* community of the persistent need for 3rd Degrees to ensure the longevity of the Tradition, 1st Degree is considered a stable elevation and many in the clergy do not elevate past this degree.

At 1st Degree, a student will begin the “Elemental Attunements and Pacts”, and be expected to deepen their knowledge and mastery of the Paths of Power, the Greater Mysteries (such as Invocation and the Great Rite) and any additional avenues of interest in an ongoing capacity.

Those called to elevate further seek to serve the Gods by teaching the Craft, taking on more responsibility for their covens, communities and Tradition. A 1st who chooses to elevate to 3rd enters the 2nd Degree, regarded as “the Neophyte of the Inner Court”. To become a 3rd is to be a fully independent Initiate, capable of passing on the Tradition. A 3rd may take on more responsibility for running the Mother Coven, might “hive” or seek to be in service to the Gods in an independent capacity.

When a 3rd Degree Initiate decides to leave the Mother Coven and establish a new group, this is referred to as “hiving”. Traditionally in B*, a hived coven will take a new name including either “blue” or “star”.  However, in recent generations, the Tradition has seen some clever word play, like Polaris Coven, and others completely breaking with this convention, like Rose & Antler.

The ongoing responsibilities of Initiates are:

  • Make every effort possible to attend all Esbats and Sabbats.

  • Take initiative to lead rituals and classes with good will and a happy heart.

  • Be available to answer questions from Outer Court members and guests.

  • Continue to mentor an Outer Court student.

  • Stand at the ready to answer Calls of Need.

  • Responsibly represent B* at public rituals, gatherings, festivals, etc.

  • Notify the Inner Court if an extended leave of absence arises.

Regardless of whether or not the Initiate pursues higher elevations after 1st Degree, life is now one of service to the gods and the Craft. What form that service takes is part of the continuing journey down The Path.